Anthropological Index Online

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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Sahara: prehistory and history of the Sahara Sahara Selectively indexed
SAIL: studies in American Indian literatures SAIL Stud Amer Indian Lit Selectively indexed
Samskriti Samskriti Selectively indexed
Sarance Sarance No longer indexed
Sarawak Museum journal Sarawak Mus J Selectively indexed
Savanna Savanna No longer indexed
Sborník Sborn sl Spol archeol No longer indexed
Sborník Ceskoslovenské Spolecnosti Antropologické Ceska Antrop No longer indexed
Sborník Muzeálnej slovenskej Společnosti Zborn slov nar Muz Martin Currently Indexed
Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii i Etnografii Sborn Muz Antrop Etnogr St Petersburg No longer indexed
Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii i Etnografii St Petersburg Sborn Muz Antrop Etnogr St Petersburg No longer indexed
Sborník slovenského národného Múzea Zborn slov nar Muz Martin Currently Indexed
Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde Schweiz Arch Volksk Currently Indexed
Scottish studies Scott Stud Selectively indexed
Scripta ethnológica Scr ethnol Ceased publication
Scripta ethnológica: supplementa Scr ethnol suppl Ceased publication
Selected reports Sel Rep Ethnomusic Ceased publication
Selected reports in ethnomusicology Sel Rep Ethnomusic Ceased publication
Senri ethnological studies Senri ethnol Stud No longer indexed
Shaman: an international journal for shamanistic research Shaman Currently Indexed
Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies Sibirica Selectively indexed
Sign language studies Sign Lang Stud No longer indexed
Silesia antiqua Siles antiq No longer indexed
Slavia antiqua Slav antiq Currently Indexed
Slovenská archeologia Slov Archeol Currently Indexed
Slovenská archeologia Slov Archeol No longer indexed
Slovenski etnograf Etnolog Currently Indexed
Slovenský národopis Slov Narod Currently Indexed
Social analysis Social Analys Currently Indexed
Social and economic studies Social econ Stud No longer indexed
Social anthropology Social Anthrop Currently Indexed
Social anthropology/Anthropologie sociale Social Anthrop Currently Indexed
Social networks Social Netwks Selectively indexed
Social science information Social Sci Inf Selectively indexed
Social Science Research Council newsletter ESRC Newsl No longer indexed
Society of Malawi journal Soc Malawi J No longer indexed
Sociological review Sociol Rev Selectively indexed
Sociologus Sociologus Currently Indexed
South African archaeological bulletin S Afr archaeol Bull Currently Indexed
South African Archaeological Society newsletter Digging Stick Selectively indexed
South African journal of ethnology Anthrop Sth Africa Selectively indexed
South African journal of science S Afr J Sci No longer indexed
South American explorer S Amer Explor Ceased publication
South Asia research S Asia res Currently Indexed
South Asian anthropologist S Asian Anthrop Currently Indexed
South Asian popular culture S Asian pop Cult Currently Indexed
South Dakota archaeologist S Dakota archaeol Soc Newsl No longer indexed
South Dakota archaeology S Dakota Archaeol No longer indexed
South Pacific bulletin S Pacif Bull Ceased publication
Southeast Asian studies SE Asian Stud Selectively indexed