Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Acción indigenista | Accion indig | Ceased publication | |
Advances in archaeological method and theory | Adv archaeol Meth Theory | Ceased publication | |
Advances in world archaeology | Adv world Archaeol | Ceased publication | |
Africa-Tervuren | Afr-Tervuren | Ceased publication | |
African abstracts | Afr abstr | Ceased publication | |
African urban quarterly | Afr urban Q | Ceased publication | |
African urban studies | Afr urban Stud | Ceased publication | |
Africana Marburgensia | Afric Marburg | Ceased publication | |
After culture: emerging anthropologies | After Cult | Ceased publication | |
Akwe:kon journal | Native Amer art | Ceased publication | |
Alberta anthropologist | Canad J Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Alcheringa: ethnopoetics | Alcheringa | Ceased publication | |
América indígena | Amer indig | Ceased publication | |
América negra: a la zaga de la América oculta | Amer negra | Ceased publication | |
American Indian art magazine | Amer Indian Art Mag | Ceased publication | |
American Indian basketry and other native crafts | Amer Indian Bask Mag | Ceased publication | |
American Indian basketry magazine | Amer Indian Bask Mag | Ceased publication | |
Analele Banatului. Etnografie. | An Banatului Etnogr | Ceased publication | |
Anales de antropología e historia | An Antrop Hist | Ceased publication | |
Anales del Museo del Pueblo Español | An Mus Puebl esp | Ceased publication | |
Annales de l'Université de Madagascar: Série lettres et sciences humaines | Ann Univ Madagascar Ser Lett Sci hum | Ceased publication | |
Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte | Ann Serv Antiq Egypte | Ceased publication | |
Annales malgaches | Ann Univ Madagascar Ser Lett Sci hum | Ceased publication | |
Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums: human sciences | Ann Cape prov Mus hum Sci | Ceased publication | |
Anthropologia hungarica | Anthrop hung | Ceased publication | |
Anthropology | Anthropology SUNY | Ceased publication | |
Anthropology | Anthropology UCLA | Ceased publication | |
Anthropology tomorrow | Chicago Anthrop Exch | Ceased publication | |
Antropología | Antropologia Quito | Ceased publication | |
Antropologia contemporanea | Antrop contemp | Ceased publication | |
Antropología e historia de Guatemala | Antrop Hist Guat | Ceased publication | |
Antropologiska studier | Antrop Stud | Ceased publication | |
Antropoloogia-alaseid töid | Trud Antrop Tartu | Ceased publication | |
APLA occasional paper | APLA occ Pap | Ceased publication | |
Arabian studies | Arab Stud | Ceased publication | |
Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen | Arb Univ Bergen | Ceased publication | |
Archaeoastronomy | Archaeoastronomy | Ceased publication | |
Archaeologia interregionalis | Archaeol interreg | Ceased publication | |
Archaeology at University of California | Archaeol UCLA | Ceased publication | |
Archaeology Jamaica | Archaeol Jamaica | Ceased publication | |
Archaeostronomy: supplement to Journal of the history of astronomy | Archaeoastronomy (Supplement) | Ceased publication | |
Archéocivilisation | Archeocivilisation | Ceased publication | |
Archivo de anatomia e anthropologia | Arq Anat Antrop | Ceased publication | |
Arkheologicheskiya pamyatniki feodal'noy Gruzii | Arkheol Pam feodal' Gruz | Ceased publication | |
Arquivo de anatomia e antropologia | Arq Anat Antrop | Ceased publication | |
Arrabona | Arrabona | Ceased publication | |
Art tribal | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
Art Tribal | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
Art tribal = Tribal art: bulletin publié par l'Association des Amis du Musée Barbier-Müller | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
Artesanías de América | Artesan Amér | Ceased publication |