Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Acta archaeologica | Acta archaeol Budapest | Selectively indexed | |
Acta archaeologica (Budapest) | Acta archaeol Budapest | Selectively indexed | |
Acta baltico-slavica | Acta balt-slav | Selectively indexed | |
Acta Musei Moraviae: scientiae sociales | Acta Mus Morav Sci social | Selectively indexed | |
African affairs | Afr Aff | Selectively indexed | |
African arts | Afr Arts | Selectively indexed | |
African languages and cultures | J Afr cult Stud | Selectively indexed | |
African notes | Afr Notes | Selectively indexed | |
African studies review | Afr stud Rev | Selectively indexed | |
African study monographs | Afr Stud Monogr | Selectively indexed | |
African study monographs supplementary issue. | Afr Stud Monogr suppl | Selectively indexed | |
Alteridades | Alteridades | Selectively indexed | |
American Indian NMAI | Amer Indian NMAI | Selectively indexed | |
American Indian quarterly | Amer Indian Q | Selectively indexed | |
American journal of sociology | Amer J Sociol | Selectively indexed | |
Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala | An Acad Geogr Hist Guat | Selectively indexed | |
Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas | An Inst Invest estet | Selectively indexed | |
Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia Serie ciencias humanas | Magallania | Selectively indexed | |
Anales. Museo de América | An Mus Amer | Selectively indexed | |
Annales de la Fondation Fyssen | Ann Fond Fyssen | Selectively indexed | |
Annales de sociologie et d'anthropologie | Ann Sociol Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute | Ann Bhandarkar orient res Inst | Selectively indexed | |
Annual report Society for Libyan Studies | Libyan Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropologie et sociétés | Anthrop Soc | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology and education quarterly | Anthrop Educ Q | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology and humanism | Anthrop Humanism | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology and medicine | Anthrop Med | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology in action | Anthrop Action | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology in action: journal for applied anthropology in policy and practice | Anthrop Action | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology Ireland | Irish J Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology of work review | Anthrop work Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology open journal | Anthrop open j | Selectively indexed | |
Anthropology Southern Africa | Anthrop Sth Africa | Selectively indexed | |
Anuario de estudios americanos | Anu Estud amer | Selectively indexed | |
Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu | Anu Inst Cercet socio-uman Sibiu | Selectively indexed | |
APLA newsletter | Polar polit legal Anthrop Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Archaeology International | Archaeol int Lond | Selectively indexed | |
Archaeology Southwest | Archaeol Southwest | Selectively indexed | |
Archipel: études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien | Archipel | Selectively indexed | |
Archives de sciences sociales des religions | Arch Sci social Relig | Selectively indexed | |
Archives de sociologie des religions | Arch Sci social Relig | Selectively indexed | |
Archivio di etnografia | Arch etnogr | Selectively indexed | |
Arheologia Moldovei | Arheol Moldovei | Selectively indexed | |
Art Asia Pacific Magazine | Art Asia Pacif Mag | Selectively indexed | |
Art New Zealand | Art New Zeal | Selectively indexed | |
Art tribal | Tribal Art | Selectively indexed | |
Artes de México | Artes Méx | Selectively indexed | |
Asian journal of social sciences | Asian J Soc Sci | Selectively indexed | |
Balcanica | Balcanica | Selectively indexed | |
Bead forum | Bead Forum | Selectively indexed |