Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
East African Institute of Social Research conference | Univ E Afr Social Sci Coun Conf Pap | No longer indexed | |
East Asian cultural studies | E Asian cult Stud | Ceased publication | |
East European meetings in ethnomusicology | Eur Meet Ethnomusic | Currently Indexed | |
Eastern anthropologist | East Anthrop | No longer indexed | |
Ecology of food and nutrition | Ecol Food Nutr | No longer indexed | |
Economic and Social Research Council newsletter | ESRC Newsl | No longer indexed | |
Economic Botany | Econ botan | No longer indexed | |
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised: ühiskonnateadused | Eesti Tead Akad Toim Human Sotsiaaltead | Ceased publication | |
Eesti rahva Muuseumi aastaraamat | Aastaraamat | Currently Indexed | |
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised: humanitaar-ja sotsiaalteadused | Eesti Tead Akad Toim Human Sotsiaaltead | Ceased publication | |
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised: ühistkonnateadused | Eesti Tead Akad Toim Human Sotsiaaltead | Ceased publication | |
El palacio | Palacio | No longer indexed | |
El Salvador Investiga | El Salvador Invest | No longer indexed | |
Empirical studies of the arts | Empiric Stud Arts | No longer indexed | |
English dance and song | Eng Dance Song | No longer indexed | |
Ennaanin etto: news from the past | Ennaanin Etto | Ceased publication | |
Enografia nowa | Etnogr now | Currently Indexed | |
Enquête | Enquete | Selectively indexed | |
Enquête: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie | Enquete | Selectively indexed | |
Ephemeris archaiologike | Archaiol Ephem | No longer indexed | |
Epigraphic Society occasional papers | Enquête: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie | Selectively indexed | |
Eskimo | Eskimo | No longer indexed | |
Estudios atacameños | Estud atacam | Currently Indexed | |
Estudios aymaras | Estud aymaras | Ceased publication | |
Estudios de cultura maya | Estud Cult maya | Currently Indexed | |
Estudios de cultura náhuatl | Estud Cult nahuatl | Currently Indexed | |
Estudios de historia novohispana | Estud Hist novohisp | Selectively indexed | |
Estudios pampeanos | Estud pamp | Ceased publication | |
Estudios sociales | Estud social | No longer indexed | |
Ethnia | Ethnia | No longer indexed | |
Ethnic and racial studies | Ethnic racial Stud | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnica | Ethnica | Ceased publication | |
Ethnicity | Ethnicity | Ceased publication | |
Ethnies | Ethnies | Selectively indexed | |
Ethno-anthropological problems journal | Ethno-Anthrop Prob J | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnographia | Ethnographia | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnographic Museum University of Oslo Yearbook | Univ etnogr Mus Oslo Yb | Ceased publication | |
Ethnographica | Folia ethnogr | Selectively indexed | |
Ethnographika | Ethnographika | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift | Ethnogr-archaol Z | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnohistory | Ethnohistory | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnologia americana | Ethnol amer | Ceased publication | |
Ethnologia balkanica | Ethnol balk | Ceased publication | |
Ethnologia bulgarica: yearbook of Bulgarian ethnology and folklore | Ethnol bulg | Selectively indexed | |
Ethnologia europaea | Ethnol eur | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnologia fennica | Ethnol fenn | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnologia polona | Ethnol pol | No longer indexed | |
Ethnologia scandinavica | Ethnol scand | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnologia slavica | Ethnol slov slav | Currently Indexed | |
Ethnologia slovaca et slavica | Ethnol slov slav | Currently Indexed |